Zeta Sigma Lambda Chapter History

Zeta Sigma Lambda Chapter was chartered and seated in San Diego, California on  January 22, 1957, by 17 distinguished men. It is the 250th House of Alpha. Charter  members are:

Bro. John Slaughter

Bro. David Clary

Bro. Robert Mathews

Bro. Payton Cook

Bro. Vell Wyatt

Bro. Raphael Tisdale

Bro. Todd Fryes

Bro. Dwight Smith

Bro. James Wales Jr.

Bro. William Childs

Bro. James McCann

Bro. Jack Kimbrough

Bro. Arthur Green

Bro. C.R. Tucker

Bro. William Morse

Bro. Robert Rose

Bro. Raymond Williams

Payton Cook was active and attended multiple conventions becoming well known nationally as “215”. Payton Cook held Zeta Sigma Lambda Chapter’s Continuing Academic Excellence Program in high regard. He has been inducted into the Western Region’s Hall of Fame.

Robert Matthews is regarded as the architect of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parade in its current form after assuming the leadership of the parade in the 1990’s. This parade is one of a few parades in the nation led by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated and has approval from Omega Chapter widow of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Coretta Scott King.

Vell Wyatt promoted life membership in the chapter leading to many members becoming life members.

Jack Kimbrough was the first black dentist to have a practice in San Diego. In 1961, he was the first black dentist elected president of the San Diego Dental Society. 

John Slaughter was the first African American to direct the National Science Foundation (NSF), the first African American chancellor of the University of Maryland, and the first African American president of Occidental College. 

The Zeta Sigma Lambda Chapter serves as the advisory arm to Eta Sigma Chapter at San Diego State University, the University of California-San Diego, University of San Diego, and California State University-San Marcos.